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Red Clover Star

Availability: Available for order

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Kedvezmény Utalvány, maximum: 3.24 EUR
Bonusz Utalvány maximum: 0.00 EUR
Utalvány (teljes összeg) 25.00 EUR
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Product description

Can help you cope with the symptoms of changing age (eg, hot flush, sweating, etc.)


The product is made using red clover flowers. Red clover (Trifolium pratense) belongs to the family of butterflies, similar to the legume consumed as a food, soy. The plant family is characterized by a distinct group of flavonoids, phytoestrogenic isoflavonoids.

Ladies in Asian countries suffer less from malaise during menopause than their European female counterparts. Nutritionists say this is due to the consumption of soy products rich in isoflavonoids. In Europe, in addition to soy, red clover flowers are the best-known source of isoflavonoids.

Isoflavonoids have a significant antioxidant effect, thus contributing to the inhibition of harmful oxidative processes in the body, such as aging. As estrogenic substances, they are involved in maintaining the health and well-being of women of all ages, and in maintaining a balance of physical and mental health. They can help you endure the symptoms associated with changing age (e.g., hot flashes, sweating, etc.).

It can also help maintain a healthy skeletal system for women of all ages.
