Home    All Products    Minden ami egészség    StaRlife    MAI-REI SHIITAKE STAR


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51.00 EUR
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The MAI-REI SHIITAKE STAR formula is a mixture of Maitake, Shiitake and Reishi mushrooms, which have been used for hundreds of years due to their effects.

Grifola frondosa (Maitake) contains polysaccharides, alpha-glucans and beta-glucans. The effects of both mushroom varieties, Reishi and Shiitake mushrooms, have been known since ancient times and have been widely used in Chinese and Japanese medicine. In chemical analyzes, scientists have detected more nutrients in these fungi. As research has continued, the importance of these fungi has grown worldwide. Reishi mushroom is rich in beneficial phytonutrients such as polysaccharides, triterpenes and phytosterols. Due to the active ingredients of Shiitake mushroom, erythadine, polysaccharides and lignins, it has become the subject of long-term studies. Maitake mushrooms contain polysaccharides, alpha and beta glucans.
