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Lecithin 500 Star

Availability: Available for order

16.00 EUR
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Utalvány (teljes összeg) 16.00 EUR

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Dietary supplement

Lecithin is a component of cell walls in the human body. Its deficiency affects the basic function of cells. It is most important for organs with an intense metabolism, such as the brain and heart.

Lecithin is a lipid or fat that is found in all cells. Chemically, it is a phosphatide containing glycerol phosphoric acid, fatty acids and choline. In living organisms, lecithin is a component of cell walls and cell membranes. The name lecithin comes from the Greek word lekithos, which means egg yolk. Among the foods, lecithin is mainly found in the liver, egg yolk, and some dairy products. It is found in large quantities in soybeans and other oilseeds, yeast and grain sprouts. It is estimated that the daily lecithin requirement is 3 g. Under normal circumstances, our body has a sufficient amount of lecithin. However, if choline or essential fatty acid deficiency occurs, it can lead to deficiency symptoms.
