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Sylimarin Star

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27.00 EUR
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The product contains St. John's wort extract (Silybum marianum). The milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is an annual plant from the Mediterranean region belonging to the family Asteraceae. It is grown in many countries, but can also be found freely along roadsides, meadows and pastures. Its brownish fruit is used in medicine, the drug is the plant's ripe mowing without bobita. Its main active ingredient is a flavonolignan complex called silymarin, which is concentrated in the kernel.

St. John's wort is used primarily to support liver function. This vital organ suffers from the effects of fatty foods containing additives and nitrates, the effects of alcohol and synthetic drugs. Along with the liver, it also has a stimulating effect on the gallbladder. Bile immediately “appears” if the liver is not functioning properly. St. John's wort is a natural antioxidant, increasing the body's resistance to adverse environmental effects. Effectively regulates blood sugar levels. It contributes to the healthy functioning and protection of the liver and has a positive effect on the detoxifying role of the liver. It supports heart function and digestion, plays an important role in maintaining normal cleansing processes.

St. John's wort seed extract increases the body's physiological resistance under difficult environmental conditions. Helps maintain liver physiological cleansing function. It contributes to the maintenance of normal liver function and strengthens the detoxifying role of the liver. It plays a role in digestion and normal cleansing processes.
