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C 2000 Star

Availability: Available for order

13.70 EUR
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Kedvezmény Utalvány, maximum: 1.74 EUR
Bonusz Utalvány maximum: 0.00 EUR
Utalvány (teljes összeg) 13.70 EUR

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Magyarország, Slovakia, Romania

Effervescent tablets with vitamin C.

Vitamin C - the body accounts for 80% of all our vitamin needs, yet we are organized to not be able to produce this vitamin, so it needs to be taken into the body through food and dietary supplements.

Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that protects against the damaging effects of free radicals and protects DNA and cells from damage. It is essential for maintaining the health of blood vessels. It helps build bones, teeth and skin and keep them healthy. It supports the nervous and immune systems, is important for the body’s defense system and for maintaining proper mental functions. It has a beneficial effect on properly functioning energy metabolism, i.e. it helps to convert nutrients into energy. Vitamin C helps reduce fatigue and exhaustion and is involved in the regeneration of reduced vitamin E. It promotes the formation of collagen, which is essential for the proper functioning of the musculoskeletal system. It is involved in the process of iron absorption and normal energy metabolism. It helps the body's immune system during and after intense physical exertion.
