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22.00 EUR
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Glutamic acid is an amino acid that occurs naturally in the body. Many amino acids can also be produced by our body, these are called non-essential amino acids. Glutamic acid belongs to this group. It is one of the 20 protein-forming amino acids.

It plays a key role in protein metabolism, muscle tissue structure, cell proliferation, and inhibition of catabolic processes. More than 65% of muscle cells are made up of this amino acid. L-glutamine is a free amino acid, the introduction of which into the body is an additional source of energy for muscle cells during strenuous workouts. When added, it prevents the development of deficiency, ensures adequate plasma glutamine levels, increases muscle mass, prevents muscle breakdown, and accelerates cell regeneration. Helps replenish muscle glycogen stores. It helps athletes maintain their muscles and provide the environmental conditions necessary for muscle tissue to grow.

It stimulates muscle growth, increases muscle cell mass (volumeization). It increases the water-binding capacity within the cells, thereby increasing muscle growth and increasing the volume of muscle cells and tissues. In addition, L-glutamine supports the health of the immune system, strengthens the defenses, increases the body's resistance.

It helps maintain healthy functions of the nervous system and brain. It is a precursor of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), i.e. it is essential for its synthesis, which takes place in the brain and pancreas by the enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase. Participates in maintaining concentration and mental performance at levels of intense exercise.

It supports the health of the digestive system, the preservation of the integrity of the intestinal system, and inhibits the permeability of the intestines. It contributes to the maintenance of gastrointestinal well-being.

It promotes glucose homeostasis following high muscle strength, helping to replenish carbohydrate stores in muscle and liver.

It contributes to the rapid recovery of the body after illness, to regeneration.


is involved in protein synthesis, the building up of muscle tissue

regulates protein balance in muscles

provides plasma glutamine levels

increases intracellular water retention, muscle mass

prevents muscle loss

contributes to the normal functioning of the body's defenses

supports the healthy functioning of the nervous system and the brain

a precursor of GABA

helps the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

inhibits intestinal patency

is involved in glucose homeostasis

promotes regeneration
